For many reasons, this topic is the most important. How and what we eat is the most important thing in this physical reality. It influences us almost instantly. It is also the basis for health maintenancewhich lies at the heart of this portal.
When you find a good diet for yourself to avoid the need to correct nutritional errors with very expensive therapies.
We already know that there is no diet that is suitable for everyone and will work all the time. This knowledge comes from our experience and is based on a very simple fact: we are all a little different. Our bodies are different and we live in different environments.
Imagine you were asked to come up with a perfect human diet. You have the knowledge and latest research about our bodies nutritional requirements. The results of your work are then implemented across the globe. They are applied both to people living in the Arctic Circle and the rain forest. Do you still feel this will work equally well in both those environments?