Świadomie zdrowy człowiek

Consciously Healthy Human

Consciously Healthy Human


Metod dbania o zdrowie i jego przywracania jest wiele. My też długo szukaliśmy tej cudownej, która rozwiąże wszystkie problemy. Ostatecznie zrozumieliśmy, że trzeba się zdecydować na coś co ma sens, jest dobre, skuteczne choć nie jest panaceum na wszystko, bo takowe nie istnieje.

Zrób pierwszy krok, wybierz coś co ma sens dla Ciebie a dalej już pójdzie. Jak skorzystasz z naszych usług, na pewno wiele się nauczysz, bo promujemy profilaktykę w podejściu zintegrowanym (ciało, emocje i duch).

Celem jest Zrobienie Swojego Zdrowia! Zbudowanie życiowej Równowagi na solidnych Fundamentach.

Do osiągnięcia tego celu przydają się drogowskazy. Nasza profilaktyka ma takie cechy:
  1. Profilaktyka jest prosta i przyjemna.
  2. Profilaktyka służy nam w zdrowiu i chorobie.
  3. Profilaktyka koncentruje się na utrzymaniu lub powrocie do równowagi.
  4. Profilaktyka czerpie z wiedzy klasycznej, sprawdzonych i skutecznych metod jak medycyna chińska.
  5. Profilaktyka wspiera rozwój osobisty.

      Those are three pillars of good health. Take a look.

Są one świetnymi fundamentami, dzięki którym stworzysz swoje szczęśliwe życie. Postawienie tylko na jeden element równowagi nie da.

First Pillar


Second Pillar


Third Pillar


The desire to be happy is completely natural. We want to wake up content every day. Each day should be a pleasant mystery for us to discover.

It’s possible, however, that what you are feeling is a bit different. Unfortunately, in this earthly reality it’s not enough to want to be happy to actually be happy. At this point you may be asking “Why?”

Think for a moment how you prepare to cook, let’s say, soup. It’s fairly easy if you know the recipe, but you’ve got to admit you can’t make the soup by just wanting to make it. It’s normal that you need to familiarize yourself with the soup making action plan and then execute it in practice. It is true that this action plan should’ve been laid out for us by our parents, but in practice it is often not so.

Humanity is preoccupied by constant fight for survival and it’s very likely that this was/is also true for your parents. Is this how you want to live? To keep fighting for survival? Or maybe would you prefer to be happy regardless of the circumstances and deal with everyday problems with ease and grace?

Here, you will find people with experiencethat that based also on their own observations and practice, who first worked to make their lives better and then started helping others to improve their lives as they could see, the stops they have taken showed results. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You can use someone else’s experience to get faster results.

This approach means that we (therapist and the client) form a team that works together to create change. We believe that helping more and more people to be healthy and happy will translate to a healthier and happier life for all of us. Professionals listed on this portal have decided to help others in a simple, effective and easily understood way.

You’ll find more hints on our blog posts. Each of the therapists posting there shares their knowledge and expertise for free, but if you really want to create a change, talk to a professional directly. You won’t be able to get a tailor made solution specifically to your needs from a blog post.

Despite the fact that all therapists here work independently, we have been brought together by common ideals:

  • Our work is based on the Three Pillars. Balance in each of these three areas will lead to inner harmony and joy that we all crave.
  • Our approach is holistic, so we look at a human being as having a body and a soul.
  • We see taking care of your health everyday as a crucial element to personal success.
  • We approach working with our clients with the same care and commitment as we approach working with ourselves.
  • We believe self-development has no bounds.


What you won’t find on this website.

This portal does not aim to give advice that will magically solve all your problems. That’s not possible. We also do not want to give the impression that the advice given here works for everyone and in every situation. That’s why we will minimize the number of “magical cure” advice here. There are plenty of these available on other websites and in many books. This information is sometimes interesting, sometimes valuable but taken out of context, it can be harmful.

In each moment of our lives we are in a specific physical, psychological and energetical state. Because of this, our needs are very specific. Of course, you can follow many harmless recommendations, but will they help in your exact circumstances? The solution is to choose the right method to suit the specific person’s state and situation, which is an art in itself. The method may need changing a couple of times, before the appropriate approach is found. So what you won’t find on this website:

  • You won’t find “one method fits all” approach
  • You won’t find methods fighting a particular ailment
  • You won’t find a solution to your problem
  • You won’t find discussions about better and worse methods

© klinikazdrowegoczlowieka.pl 2021
